Lunging Work

On the lunge we also work at him lengthening his walk. Right now this is the best I can hope for. Him tracking up.
There's some improvement with him reaching under himself.
I'm also trying to encourage him to stretch down with his head, while I continue to drive his hind end under him. At his level, I'm not sure how much good this does, but at least I feel better...
He's really stretching, even though he's thinking about grazing. I figure as long as I keep him moving forward, the motivation doesn't matter.
Yeah, on the lunge and reaching for the bit, but not bracing his under neck against it. I don't think this is as useful as riding, but at the walk I can see better how he's responding.
The best that he's been on the lunge. I have the side reins long and don't have to crank his nose in. He's stretching his neck forward and almost on the vertical.
He must be getting his balance, because he was willing to canter on the lunge and get the correct leads.