Adamir's First Horse Trial
- We got first place, yeah!
I think we had the 4th lowest dressage score of the day (something I was proud of),
and we finished on our dressage score. He jumped clean and was time penalty free.
We went Beginner Novice this time. I'm considering Novice next month, but my trainer
and I will have to have some discussions on that. Adamir is doing so well; I don't want
to do anything too fast.

Waiting to go in

Our best dressage score yet - 34.5 (might even be my best score ever)
My trainer came to the show and warmed us up for dressage. Big help. I always forget how much transitions can improve steadiness and response.
Warming up for stadium
All that canter work is paying off for the jumping
A warmup jump
On the stadium course
Someday I'll learn not to round my shoulders
First jump cross country - Adamir knew what we were there for after that...
Coming out of the water complex - see Adamir's ears 'where's the next jump?'
An exhausted me after cross country
My trainer, Meg, and me. Oh, and of course, Adamir.