Building the Tower in 2005
In 2005 we saw the tower get closed in and eventually
ready for interior work. Roofing, insulation and even
painting on the inside.


Forming the crenelations
Jan 3, 2005

Filling in the rooftop crenelations
Feb 1, 2005

 Finishing up the tar paper
Feb 13, 2005
Stuccoing the crenelations
March 15, 2005
Stairs going in from the 1st to the 2nd floor
April 11, 2005

Crenelations finished and putting in windows
April 16, 2005

Stucco down the walls and trim around the windows
May 2, 2005
Final Stucco around the front and side
June 2, 2005
Some inside and outside work
June 13, 2005
Finishing up on the outside
July 12, 2005
Spraying Insulation and Sheetrocking
July 23, 2005
Inside Work
August 10, 2005
Inside Work
August 28, 2005
Inside Work
September 21, 2005
Interior and the Gargoyle
September 29, 2005
Fall pictures and the Telescope
November 12, 2005
Finishing work on the 3rd floor
December 2, 2005
Flooring and curtains
December 29, 2005