Well the outside is pretty much done
We got the roof foamed and the stucco is on. Now for
inside work. Some bracing, looks like foam insulation
and then the sheet rock.

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I peeked out the hatch this morning and saw the sun coming up behind the crenelations.

Here's what the covered foam looks like on the roof. The foam is underneath a couple of layers of eurothane roof coating. We'll have to be careful walking on it, and plan to put down some mats when we have the telescope on the pier (that's father's handiwork with outlets for power, usb and rs232 to control the telescope).
Bart's office is now the pumpkin room. The inside foam is orange. After working with the crew, we definitely want them to foam the rest of the inside. This was just blow off to clear the lines before using the harder foam on the roof.
 Lynn started working on the sheet rock that goes around the arches. Pretty inside and outside.
Things are a mess during construction, but you can see the door to nowhere on the third floor. Eventually it will lead to a roof top.
The door from the outside. The lip under it is where the final roof will attach when we add the other second floor over the original house (someday).
An amazing amount of work done by one person. 
Now we'll start looking at what needs to be done on the inside. We've got the air conditioning unit (a ductless minisplit) to go in. That should make the inside work much easier during this hot summer.