Insulation and sheetrock
Well, the insulation guys were back to do
the walls. Abbel Foam It did the work if you're
looking for a foam insualtion company near Fort Worth.

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David spraying in the insulation. Hot work. The third floor is the hottest room and the chemicals have to be heated up and come out of the hose hot.

The walls are 8" studs, and they filled them all up with the foam stuff. Now we have to go back through and cut off some of the overflow. It's soft and can even be pulled off by hand.
The view from the main house (kitchen area) into the first floor of the tower. Bart wants to leave the stairs open to let more light into the house. Each step will be attached to a brace in the wall for stability.
 The view back toward the kitchen. We hope to leave the openings on the left and right as pass-throughs, maybe with shelves. The wall on this side will end up being flat after two support walls are put up to help support the second and 3rd floor walls.
The gable of the main house (this is on the second floor). It did poke out much further, but with extra supports (and those walls on the first floor), Lynn was able to cut it back. He's got a great design for some shelves with arched faces for this wall. I hope he's able to do it.
I love the insulation, but I can't wait for all that orange to be covered up. Lynn got the second arch sheetrocked yesterday.
An inside shot of the 3rd floor door. It's been handy for throwing stuff out the tower since none of the windows open. You can also get a glimps through the windows of the great view we get from the 3rd floor. Bart will use this for his office when it's finished.