Kanuk Training
More training for the dressage show tomorrow.
It's great what consistent riding will produce. He's
steadier in the bridle, offering some stretch down and
getting bend in both directions.
It's heating up down here, but he's not sluggish in the
heat and we try to ride as close to dark as possible.

I've started asking for a couple of speeds at the walk when we first start out. He's not sure about shortening his stride, but after we try and I let him back out, he's more forward.

The bugs were bothering him a bit. I growled at him if he acted fussy, but I was smacking and scratching myself, too, so it's understandable.
Working on some downward stretch before we pick up the trot.
Downhill we both have to think about balance more.
Uphill usually gets a better push.
He's so much more consistent in the bridle now. 
I do wonder about my leg position, but it's difficult to work on myself and the horse at the same time.
He sometimes stretches down and forward when I ask. I've been keeping contact as he goes down. It works much better than dropping the reins and hoping he reaches down into them.
Bend to the right is a good thing. I'll continue to ask for better and more, but part way through the ride last night we had an understanding. We hit a point where he didn't throw his head if I asked for right bend, and if I asked nicely he'd oblige.
So this wasn't my doing, it was a bug causing him to bite at his chest, but I'd rather see him do this than throw his head up in the air at the halt.
Asking him to lengthen across the diagonal. We did speed up, but he also got longer through his body and neck. A lot to work on, but nice to be able to introduce the idea and get a response that didn't include head in the air.
Then coming back from the longer stride and balancing around the corner.
And the canter. He seems to prefer the transition if I'm in a 1/2 seat, and keeps it better if I ride that way. So, I'm building up to staying seated most of the time. Right now I'm happy that his transitions happen easily when I ask (just not always the correct lead).
Personally I'd rather be in a jumping saddle with shorter stirrups cantering him around. Maybe next week that's what I'll do.
I need to remember that my trainer says to sit and ride the canter as if it were a trot. Don't do all the moving and contorting, just because it's the canter.
I'm not really riding like a dressage rider here. Oh well. It was a lovely, fun, light canter that felt perfect for heading toward a jump.
I did have to do some pushing to keep the canter. It felt up and easy, but he seemed concerned about if he was doing what I wanted.
Sweet boy getting some praise.
A little more bending while we walked to cool out.
Stretching down at the walk.
Asking him to keep thinking about stretch. We're still not there, but the only time his head went up this ride was during the leg yields at the trot. Hopefully he's figuring out  he can trust me.