Miaren - Happy to see Thistle return
Thistle came over to my place for a little training. Miaren
was getting a bit too playful, so I took Thistle back out to keep him
Two peas in a pod. Miaren is a yearling and Thistle is two, so Miaren has to be everywhere that Thistle is and do what he does.
Miaren's nowhere near as big as Thistle, but he is starting to bulk up and hasn't had any trouble keeping weight on this summer.
I'll have fun turning that neck around, but I love the topline I'll have to work with and the bone he's got.
Thistle is supposed to mature around 16 hh. 
It looks like Miaren will be taller than that.
Still a bit awkward, but I'm really pleased with how the parts seem to be 
coming together.
Hopefully having Thistle around will increase his play time.