Miaren under saddle
I'm hoping to start bringing Miaren along
again. I don't know that I'll be able to work with
him, but he's getting to the age that he needs a job.
So, I'll probably start the selling process, but in the
mean time I need to see what we can do. He can be
pretty easy to work with, but I just don't know that he'll
be my type.
Getting him ready out of the car.
He's not scared of anything, but that can mean he'll get into anything, and sometimes try to get his way.
Very Thoroughbred-y compared to my other horses.
Loosening up before the side reins.
Waiting for direction. Once he's working, he's pretty good at focusing on his handler.
It's nice when he rounds up.
Canter to the left.
Some more reach at the trot.
Canter to the right. He was fussy this direction in the canter. Some head tossing and a couple of bucks.
A walk break.
Some suspension in the trot.
Moving out nicely.
Getting settled. No one's been on him since August, so I went with the safety vest and a person on the ground.
He remembered leg and forward without any issues.
Not so subtle with the reins. He liked to stay near the person on the ground.
But he remembered his previous training and listened to his rider.
Today everything felt fine. I don't know that I'll have the nerve to keep up his training, but this is further than I thought I'd get last week. After seeing him play on the lunge last weekend, I didn't think I'd be able to get on him.