Mo Roading at Finney-Hopper

Getting everyone ready for mounting up.

Mo spends a part of his time trying to get his tongue over the bit. He's got a large rubber bit right now. He doesn't like it, but he hasn't succeeded in getting his tongue over it.
Mo's a good guy.
Waiting for the hounds to come out. Thuy's great at standing, and he's a good influence on Mo.
Far off in the background with Thuy and Amanda. We headed out first, in case any hounds broke. Mo's pretty confident about leading the way, as long as someone is following....
Reversing and now following behind. Both horses get a little more forward when they have someone to follow. 
We stayed well back.
 Heading back toward the cameraman we're on the far right.
We trotted out in front of the hounds. I preferred to follow behind Thuy, so he saw no need to rush with Amanda
 Mo's got a lovely, steady trot. It's very adjustable. This day we kept it slow to give Thuy no reason to speed up.
Mo watched everything, but he's seen it before and wasn't worried.
We were sent to watch from atop the hill.
 He's more and more willing to use himself properly.
Not as chunky as Thuy, but actually taller.
This is the sort of work that will keep him fit.
Asking for a little balancing as we head back down.
I had to pay a lot of attention to Amanda. Luckily Mo takes care of himself.
Amanda passing us up at the trot. 
Mo can trot (and walk) much faster than Thuy, but since he's ratable, I can ask him to slow it down for them.